T.H. Ruggles, E. Virgüez, N. Reich, J. Dowling, H. Bloomfield, E.G.A. Antonini, S.J. Davis, N.S. Lewis, K. Caldeira, “Planning reliable wind- and solar-based electricity systems”, Advances in Applied Energy 15, 100185, 2024. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, E. Virgüez, S. Ashfaq, L. Duan, T.H. Ruggles, K. Caldeira, “Identification of reliable locations for wind power generation through a global analysis of wind droughts”, Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 103, 2024. [pdf]
D.A. Romero, S. Hasanpoor, E.G.A. Antonini, C.H. Amon, “Predicting wind farm wake losses with deep convolutional hierarchical encoder–decoder neural networks”, APL Machine Learning 2 (1), 016111, 2024. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “The quantity-quality transition in the value of expanding wind and solar power generation”, iScience 25 (4), 104140, 2022. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “Meeting electricity demand with distributed wind and solar generation: System flexibility drives optimal siting”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021-70678, 2021. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “Spatial constraints in large-scale expansion of wind power plants”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (27), e2103875118, 2021. [pdf]
A. Dhoot, E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Optimizing wind farms layouts for maximum energy production using probabilistic inference: Benchmarking reveals superior computational efficiency and scalability”, Energy 223, 120035, 2021. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “Atmospheric pressure gradients and Coriolis forces provide geophysical limits to power density of large wind farms”, Applied Energy 281, 116048, 2021. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Optimal design of wind farms in complex terrains using computational fluid dynamics and adjoint methods”, Applied Energy 261, 114426, 2020. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Improving CFD Wind Farm Simulations incorporating Wind Direction Uncertainty”, Renewable Energy 133, 1011-1023, 2019. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Continuous Adjoint Formulation for Wind Farm Layout Optimization: A 2D Implementation”, Applied Energy 228, 2333-2345, 2018. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Analysis and Modifications of Turbulence Models for Wind Turbine Wake Simulations in Atmospheric Boundary Layers”, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 140(3), 031007, 2018. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Analysis and modifications of turbulence models for wind turbine wake simulations in atmospheric boundary layers”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2016-67353, 2016. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, G. Bedon, S. De Betta, L. Michelini, M. Raciti Castelli and E. Benini, “An Innovative Vortex Model for Dynamic Stall Simulations”, AIAA Journal 53(2), 479-485, 2015. [pdf]
G. Bedon, E.G.A. Antonini, S. De Betta, M. Raciti Castelli and E. Benini, “Evaluation of the Different Aerodynamic Databases for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Simulations”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 40, 386-399, 2014. [pdf]