Talks and posters
E.G.A. Antonini, A. Di Bella, L. Drouet, M. Tavoni, “The role of hydropower in renewable-rich energy systems under climate change”, International Energy Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 2024. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, A. Di Bella, L. Drouet, M. Tavoni, “More than a century of weather- and climate-dependent power supply and demand time series”, Openmod Workshop, Grenoble, France, 2024. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, E. Virgüez, S. Ashfaq, L. Duan, T.H. Ruggles, K. Caldeira, “Historical analysis of global distribution of and trends in wind droughts”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2023. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “Geophysical constraints to large wind farm development”, NAWEA/WindTech Conference, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, 2022. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “The quantity-quality transition in the value of expanding wind and solar power generation”, Macro Energy Systems workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 2022. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “Meeting US electricity demand with distributed wind and solar generation: System flexibility drives optimal siting”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Virtual conference, USA, 2021. [mp4] [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “How atmospheric pressure gradients and Coriolis forces control the power density of large wind farms”, Wind Energy Science Conference, Hannover, Germany, 2021. [mp4]
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-based Methodology for Wind Farm Layout Optimization”, Seminar Series, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA, USA, 2018.
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Continuous Adjoint Formulation for Wind Farm Layout Optimization”, 8th MIE Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2017.
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Analysis and modifications of turbulence models for wind turbine wake simulations in atmospheric boundary layers”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2016.
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Enhancement of CFD Wind Farm Simulations through Introduction of Wind Direction Uncertainty”, 7th MIE Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016.
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Implementation and simulation of wind turbines with the OpenFOAM solver using the actuator disk approach”, 6th MIE Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015.
E.G.A. Antonini, E. Virgüez, S. Ashfaq, L. Duan, T.H. Ruggles, K. Caldeira, “Historical analysis of global distribution of and trends in wind droughts”, International Conference on Energy and Meteorology, Padova, Italy, 2023. [pdf]
K. Caldeira, A. Li, E. Virgüez, E.G.A. Antonini, J.A. Dowling, L. Duan, M.O. Dioha, N. Reich, N.S. Lewis, S.J. Davis, T. Ruggles, S. Ashfaq, “A Macro Energy Modeling Framework For Transparent Analysis of Implications of Energy System Assumptions”, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 2022.
E.G.A. Antonini, E. Virgüez, S. Ashfaq, L. Duan, K. Caldeira, “Characterizing geophysical limits to wind power reliability”, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 2022.
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “The quantity-quality transition in the value of expanding wind and solar power generation”, Macro Energy Systems workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 2022. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “Replenishing the wind: Atmospheric physics explains limits to energy extraction and spatial constraints in large-scale expansion of wind power plants”, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2021. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, K. Caldeira, “Strategic site selection of wind and solar power plants in deep decarbonization scenarios for electricity systems”, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2021. [pdf]
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “How atmospheric pressure gradients and Coriolis forces control the power density of large wind farms”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2020. [pdf] [mp3]
M. Hauser, T. Ruggles, C. Henry, K. Caldeira, R. Peer, E.G.A. Antonini, “Cost Sensitivity of Electricity Systems to the Shape of Electricity Demand Curve: A Sub-Saharan Africa Example”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2020.
T. Ruggles, D.J. Farnham, C. Henry, R. Peer, L. Duan, E.G.A. Antonini, M, Hauser, N. Lewis, J.A. Dowling, K. Rinaldi, S.J. Davis, D. Tong, K. Caldeira, “Electrofuels and curtailment of wind and solar power”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2020.
E.G.A. Antonini, K. Caldeira, “Limits of electricity generation from wind: characterizing transitional scales in wind farm power density”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2019. [pdf]
O. Tayyara, E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “CFD modeling of after-market rotor attachments performance on horizontal axis wind turbines”, 9th MIE Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018.
E.G.A. Antonini, D.A. Romero, C.H. Amon, “Continuous Adjoint Formulation for Wind Farm Layout Optimization”, 9th MIE Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2018. [pdf]
D. Guirguis, S.Y.D. Yamani, E.G.A. Antonini, J.Y.J. Kuo, D.A. Romero, C.A. Amon, “Wake Modelling and Design Optimization of Wind Farms“, Institute of Sustainable Energy Research Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2016. [pdf]